

C4 Cactus von Citroën wird mit E-LIT Akkuwerkzeugen hergestellt

November 6, 2023

Entdecken Sie, wie der C4 Cactus von Citroën mit E-LIT Akkuwerkzeugen hergestellt wird.

Werk Madrid: Umstellung der C4 Cactus-Produktion.

Das 745.000 m² große Werk in Madrid produzierte früher die Modelle Peugeot 207 und 207 CC im Zweischichtbetrieb. Seit 2014 produziert das Werk auch den C4 Cactus von Citroën. Am Standort Madrid sind auch Aktivitäten im Bereich des Antriebsstrangs angesiedelt, darunter die Annahme und Anpassung von Motoren und Getrieben sowie die Montage der verschiedenen Teile der Vorder- und Hinterradaufhängung. Für die Montage ihres Modells verwenden sie unsere E-LIT Akkuwerkzeuge.

Two benefits to use insulated tools for your EV battery manufacturing.

1. Safety Improvement

Insulated tools provide a shield between the workers and the high-voltage batteries, preventing accidents and improving safety. They protect the workers from potential electrocution and arcing, and decrease the likelihood of accidental shorts that can cause a fire.

"Using insulated tools does not replace the need for operators to wear PPE (Personal Protective Equipment).

- Desoutter Tightening Expert

Wir haben daher überlegt, wie wir ein praktisches Mittel entwickeln können, um den Übergang zu Arbeitsweisen der Industrie 4.0 zu erleichtern, indem wir zahlreiche Anwendungen von einem einzigen Punkt aus unterstützen. Ich kann an dieser Stelle nicht zu viel verraten, aber ich kann sagen, dass die Lösung die Arbeitsweise unserer Kunden revolutionieren wird. Sie wird eine Multi-Tool-Verwaltung mit mehr Konnektivität und Flexibilität ermöglichen als alles, was derzeit verfügbar ist - und das mit weniger Hardware, die in der Produktionslinie benötigt wird.

Natürlich bedeutet ein Neuanfang auch, dass wir Techniken und Technologien aus anderen Sektoren bewerten können, um zu sehen, ob sie die von uns angestrebten Vorteile liefern können. Die anwendungsbasierte Anpassung ist ein Bereich, der in unserer Entwicklung eine wichtige Rolle spielt: Kunden können ihre Montagelinien innerhalb von Minuten statt Stunden umkonfigurieren.

Es ist nie eine einfache Entscheidung, die Regeln zu zerreißen und neu anzufangen - aber die Ergebnisse können äußerst lohnend sein, insbesondere für Kunden, die bereit sind, den nächsten Schritt in Richtung Industrie 4.0 zu machen. Ich hoffe, dieser kurze Einblick hat Ihren Appetit auf Veränderungen geweckt: Halten Sie im Laufe des Jahres Ausschau nach Neuigkeiten zur Markteinführung.


How do electric insulated tools prevent electric shock?

Electric Insulated tools are designed to protect mechanics and technicians from electrical shock while they work on high-voltage components in the EV (Electric vehicles). These tools have a non-conductive handle and an insulated shaft or jaws that protect the technician from electrical shock. In addition, insulated tools protect the assets and the production line so we can avoid a short circuit that can initiate fire.

By implementing a three-level insulation system we prevent both electrical conductivity and arcing in your assembly process.

Desoutter electric insulated tools

Insulated Adapter and Insulated Socket:

The purpose of the insulated adapter is to electrically disconnect the tool drive from the socket/bit, effectively breaking the chain of current. By using a radially insulated socket at the end of the adapter, both axial and radial electrical discontinuity is ensured. This prevents direct contact between the metallic portion of the socket and the battery pack, eliminating the risk of electrical transmission and tool battery damage that could expose cells or metallic parts. It is advisable to use guided insulated adapters and insulated sockets to prevent wobbling, which could lead to mispositioning and potential contact between terminal + and -.

Desoutter insulated tools - Radially

Desoutter insulated tools - Axially

“We strongly advise using a radially and axially insulated adapter in conjunction with a radially insulated socket, instead of solely relying on a radially and axially insulated socket. While radially and axially insulated sockets may appear attractive, it's important to note that these components are subject to wear over time. To minimize the cost of replacing wear items, the use of an insulated adapter allows you to change only the radially insulated socket when it becomes worn. This approach ensures cost-effectiveness while maintaining the necessary insulation levels for safe operations.”

- Desoutter Tightening Expert

Insulated Tool Cover (screen, battery protection, and angle head cover):

The chain is broken by employing protective covers that prevent the operator's hand from coming into contact with the metallic parts of the tool housing. These covers ensure that the metallic portion of the tool housing and the metallic screen housing are not in direct contact with the battery pack. This effectively eliminates the risk of electrical transmission and safeguards against tool battery damage that may expose cells or metallic parts. Additionally, during the assembly process it protects against battery packs that could catch on fire or generate dangerous smoke as a result of a short circuit.

Insulated Hand Protection:

To minimize the risk of accidents and electrical hazards during the assembly process, it is strongly advised to use hand protection measures. These precautions help prevent accidental slips from the tool end and unintended contact with the battery pack. Additionally, keeping hands away from exposed electrical components, whether through direct contact or arcing, is crucial. Incorporating this extra safety measure is highly recommended to enhance overall safety during assembly.

“Hand protection can be removed based on the risk analysis conducted by the customer at their station, in case the application requires non-hand-held tools or if the operator wears electrical safety gloves.”
- Desoutter Tightening Expert

Insulated tools

It is of utmost importance to prioritize solutions that adhere strictly to international norms to ensure the safety and reliability of your projects, workers, and equipment. Compliance with IEC 60900:2018 and IEC 60664-1:2020 is essential, as it guarantees operator protection for currents below 1000V/AC and 1500V/DC. Look for products that have been thoroughly tested and approved by reputable organizations such as DEKRA. By prioritizing adherence to these norms, you can have the confidence that your tools and equipment meet the necessary standards for safety and reliability. Additionally, these solutions can be designed to be compatible with various software and can be seamlessly integrated with different set-up, minimizing the risk of errors through features like video positioning, for example.

The Future of EV Battery Manufacturing

Battery-powered electric cars continue to gain popularity and the global demand for EVs increases. Therefore, insulated solutions including covers and sockets are essential in manufacturing for installing and maintaining EV batteries. Proper insulation ensures the safety of workers, reduces the risk of accidental short circuits, and minimizes downtime, therefore lowering the cost of production. Desoutter’s insulated tool covers provide a comprehensive solution for EV battery manufacturing, giving the industry the security it requires while retaining efficiency and productivity.

How to assemble electric vehicle safely ? Use Desoutter © insulated tools

Desoutter insulated tools solutions for EV battery packs and any other components exposed to high voltage up to 1000V DC. At Desoutter, we put a strong focus on safety.