
Príslušenstvo pre uťahovačky

Príslušenstvo pre uťahovačky

19 produkty

Ochrana nadstavca

3 varianty

Objímka upínadlo šesťhranné nástrčky

10 varianty

Predlžovacia tyč objímky

7 varianty

Rýchla výmena

6 varianty


17 varianty

Socket for temporary fastener kits

Stud bolt sleeve orech

8 varianty

Bity s krídlovým driekom Wingshank

72 varianty

Bity pre elektrické nástroje

11 varianty

Bit pre elektrické nástroje

204 varianty

Objímka vonkajšie Torx upín. nástrčky

14 varianty

Vákuová jednotka

2 varianty

Nemagnetický nadstavec na matice

43 varianty

Závitové bity

3 varianty

Rázová nástrčka

457 varianty

Impact sockets Chrome-molybdenum Steel and Phosphate manganese surface finish for extreme wear resistance, easy to read laser etched marking with output size, and model number. Impact sockets are designed to be used with impact and ratchet wrenches in high speed, high torque applications. Structurally, sockets are built to be soft and ductile so that they can easily deform and reform due to the immense stress exerted by the hammering action of an impact wrench. Designed with a cross hole in the handle end, compatible with a retaining pin and ring, or locking pin anvil.

  • Durable design for extreme wear resistance, maximum torque and preventing fastener rounding
  • Ensure safety : Designed to prevent occurrence of cracks or breaks, and prolonging the life of the socket.
  • Provide a perfect fit to powered tools, and therefore will avoid unusual deformation or damages to the tool’s square drive.
  • Tools recommended usage : Powered tools (impact wrenches, nutrunners, ratchet wrenches…)

Výfuková hadica – uťahovačky

2 varianty

Polkruhové bity Halfmoon

63 varianty

Unášače čapov

13 varianty

Súprava viaczubového upínadla

1 varianta

Farebné krúžky pre moment

2 varianty