1 varianteDesoutter’s CVIXS, for our Transducerized range of very low torque tools. Go a step further with electric tools, optimize your tightening, error proof your assembly, cut down your energy consumption cost. Connect to your local network and trace your critical joints results data.
- Rich and insightful reporting, containing torque, angle, batch count, date and time, and barcode details, to boost your quality.
- Advance tightening strategy to detect errors during fastening and reduce rework and scrap cost.
- Featuring Desoutter’s self-learning mode offering very low set-up costs, whilst optimising your tightening and reducing errors.
- Extensive communications options providing automation capabilities to further reduce your cycle time and operating costs.
- Multiple pre-set tightening strategy allowing you to replace many tools with one for lower investment and lifecycle costs
- Fully compatible with a range of error proofing solutions, to optimize your fastening process and ensure your continued quality.