XPB モジュラー
2 類似品人間工学に基づいたワイヤレス、Desoutter の XPB モジュラーアドバンストのバッテリー式ドリルは、完全モジュラーなコントロールと自由、そして複数から選べるヘッドとプログラム選択を提供します。 XPB モジュラー は、内蔵ディスプレイ、プログレッシブトリガー、高速ブラシレスモーター、定常速度と高い繰り返し性を実現する強力なリチウムイオンバッテリーを特長とし、低振動と低ノイズで比類のない人間工学性を実現するように設計されています。XPB モジュラーは、100~6,000 RPM の範囲で幅広い穴あけおよび仮締めヘッド、RFIDテクノロジーを備えているため、標準的な穴あけおよび締結用途に最適です。
- Quick release accessories enabling one tool for multiple applications, boosting your uptime whilst reducing your investment.
- Battery operated to reduce trip hazards to improve operator safety, wellbeing and productivity.
- Program selection with RFID head ensuring the right setup for the right application to maximise your flexibility.
- Complete modularity in one tool, for all of your drilling and temporary fastening applications, reducing your capital costs.
- Clear embedded Display, with cycle counter and program status feedback to raise your productivity.
- Lightweight design & two battery positions provides excellent ergonomics ensuring your operators enhanced comfort & productivity.
- Front LED to guide the operator even in reduced visibility applications, reducing your cycle time and potential quality costs.
- Battery technology to remove the need for compressed air, reducing operating costs and CO2 emissions for a greener plant.
- Brushless motor and long-life gears provide reliability and low maintenance costs.
- Replace any manual tools by one single XPB
24 類似品Desoutter の 電動ハンドドリル XPB One は、柔軟性と操作性に優れているため、要件が厳しい環境でのご使用に最適です。XPB One は、素材に合わせて穿孔速度を調節できるスマートトリガー、強力なブラシレスモーターおよびプレミアムリチウムイオンバッテリーを搭載しており、品質、性能、操作性に非常に優れています。XPB One シリーズには、無負荷回転数 100~6,000 RPMで、幅広い出力 範囲の製品があるため、各種素材の標準的な穴あけ、リーマ加工、皿モミ加工に最適です。
- Battery operated to reduce trip hazards, improve operator safety, wellbeing and productivity.
- Easily programmable using Desoutter’s XPB CONFIG software, providing asset management capability to lower your operating costs.
- Brushless motor and long-life gears provide reliability and low maintenance costs.
- Constant drilling speed boosting your productivity whilst reducing your quality costs.
- Battery technology to remove the need for compressed air, reducing operating costs and CO2 emissions for a greener plant.
- Full compatibility with pneumatic quick release heads for a maximum flexibility and quick setup to lower indirect labour cost.
- Lightweight design & two battery positions provides excellent ergonomics ensuring your operators enhanced comfort & productivity.
- Dual speed setting for increased drilling quality, boosting your productivity whilst reducing your cycle time & quality costs.
Tightening head
16 類似品The wide range of Tightening heads compatible with the XPB Modular offers a unique and flexible solution fully designed for aerospace applications. With its smart RFID head recognition, XPB Modular automatically identifies a tightening head, and instantly becomes a torque control tool, with a focus on temporary fastener & frangible collar installation. Specific cycles can be selected via software to allocate specific strategies per tightening heads.
- Smart RFID head recognition to instantly become a torque control tool
- Allocate a specific strategy per tightening head via a software
- Easy reuse of all existing equipment
- Choose only the heads that answer your application
- Improve the tool footprint on the production line