

¡Descubra la solución Multi Battery Tools de Desoutter!

September 13, 2021

¿Le gustaría reducir la huella en las líneas con herramientas a batería transductorizadas? Descubra ahora la solución Multi Battery Tools de Desoutter.

Las herramientas con transductor de cable se utilizan desde hace mucho tiempo en aplicaciones críticas para la seguridad.

Ahora, con la solución Multi Battery Tools de Desoutter Industrial Tools, podemos reducir el espacio ocupado en las líneas de montaje con el mismo rendimiento y más ergonomía para los operarios gracias a la ausencia de cables. Todo ello con un 100% de trazabilidad total y a prueba de errores, que es lo que se pide para aplicaciones tan exigentes.

What this smart drilling enables is true production optimization. Aerospace companies can benefit from cycle-time reduction, as feed rates and rotation is based on continuous material detection. Also, éVo is a fully modular range of drilling tools, meaning that components such as motor units and drill heads can be quickly and easily interchanged, resulting in increasing up-time. This functionality is all about delivering quality, productivity and ease of use.

There are environmental and health and safety benefits of using éVo, too. Electric tools have significantly lower power requirements than their pneumatic counterparts. And an intelligent lubrication management function means that operators have lower exposure to potentially harmful chemicals.

The éVo range is a major advance when it comes to drilling performance and quality. But it’s not the end game. As companies start to use these electric products, they are invariably taking big steps towards a smarter more digital future, where manufacturing data can be collated and analysed and then fed into Industry 4.0 programmes. This sort of approach will deliver truly connected production environments, increasing productivity, up-time and flexibility and driving out waste. You can even see how data from manual drilling activities could be combined with the information extracted from robot and cobot operations, creating the digitalized factory environments of tomorrow.