
Torque Transducers

Torque Transducers

4 izdelki

DRT- Digital Rotary Transducer

12 variante

If your quality process requires the measurement of torque , the DRT range of digital rotary transducers, in combination with delta 6 or 7D, provides highly accurate torque and angle measurement to support your quality system.Featuring a high sensitivity transducer and optional angle measurement encoder, in addition to a ‘smart’ chip to store all your important settings.The DRT range is your perfect partner to boost your quality.

  • Built-in smart memory chip for automatic recognition eliminating setting errors, quick setup lowering indirect labour cost.
  • Digital communication provide fast and accurate data transfer with no external noise for a high data reliability.
  • Industrial compact design, from transducer to housing fitting all your applications for maximum flexibility.
  • Accurate torque and angle curves for deep joint analysis to reduce quality defect and potential quality cost.

DSTxs- Nano Digital Static Transducer

3 variante

If your quality process requires the measurement of torque and/or angle, the DSTxs range of digital static transducers, in combination with delta 6 or 7D, is specifically designed for low torque to provide highly accurate torque and angle measurement to support your quality system.Featuring a high sensitivity transducer and optional angle measurement encoder, in addition to a ‘smart’ chip to store all your important settings.The DSTxs range is your perfect partner to boost your quality.

  • Vgrajen pametni pomnilniški čip za samodejno prepoznavanje odpravlja napake pri nastavitvah, hitra nastavitev pa zmanjšuje posredne stroške dela.
  • Digitalna komunikacija zagotavlja hiter in natančen prenos podatkov brez zunanjega hrupa za visoko zanesljivost podatkov.
  • Industrijska kompaktna oblika, od transduktorja do ohišja, ustreza vsem vašim aplikacijam za največjo prilagodljivost.
  • Dopolnjeni kompleti za simulatorje spojev za reprodukcijo različnih preskusnih pogojev izpolnjujejo vaše zahteve glede kakovosti.
  • Natančne krivulje navora in kota za globoko analizo spojev za zmanjšanje napak v kakovosti in možnih stroškov neustrezne kakovosti.

PST- Digital Pulse Static Transducer

10 variante

If your quality process requires the measurement of torque and/or angle, the PST range of digital static transducers, in combination with delta 6 or 7D, is specifically designed for torque wrenches, pulse tools and electric Nutrunners to provide highly accurate torque and angle measurement to support your quality system.Featuring a high sensitivity transducer and optional angle measurement encoder, in addition to a ‘smart’ chip to store all your important settings.The PST range is your perfect partner to boost your quality.

  • Vgrajen pametni pomnilniški čip za samodejno prepoznavanje odpravlja napake pri nastavitvah, hitra nastavitev pa zmanjšuje posredne stroške dela.
  • Digitalna komunikacija zagotavlja hiter in natančen prenos podatkov brez zunanjega hrupa za visoko zanesljivost podatkov.
  • Izčrpni nabor simulatorjev spojev DJS za reprodukcijo različnih preskusnih pogojev izpolnjuje vaše zahteve glede kakovosti.
  • Majhen odtis, pritrditev na zgornjo ali spodnjo stran pulta za hitro nastavitev in znižanje posrednih stroškov dela.
  • Natančne krivulje navora in kota za globoko analizo spojev za zmanjšanje napak v kakovosti in možnih stroškov neustrezne kakovosti.

DRT - Digital Rotary Transducers - Torque & angle

10 variante

If your quality process requires the measurement of torque and/or angle, the DRT range of digital rotary transducers, in combination with delta 6 or 7D, provides highly accurate torque and angle measurement to support your quality system.Featuring a high sensitivity transducer and optional angle measurement encoder, in addition to a ‘smart’ chip to store all your important settings.The DRT range is your perfect partner to boost your quality.

  • Built-in smart memory chip for automatic recognition eliminating setting errors, quick setup lowering indirect labour cost.
  • Digital communication provide fast and accurate data transfer with no external noise for a high data reliability.
  • Industrial compact design, from transducer to housing fitting all your applications for maximum flexibility.
  • Accurate torque and angle curves for deep joint analysis to reduce quality defect and potential quality cost.