DWTA トルクレンチ
3 類似品Whether your quality process require residual torque check organised in routes or full joint analysis, the Desoutter DWTA Digital Torque wrench, in combination with Delta 7D, provides highly accurate torque and angle measurement. Featuring a gyroscope, Yield detection and a double bridge strain gauge to provide full traceability, irrespective of the operator or process.The DWTA is your perfect partner to boost your quality.
3 類似品デソーター Q-AUDIT デジタルトルクレンチと Delta 7D を組み合わせた本製品は、品質プロセスにおいて、ルート順に決められた残留トルクチェックが必要な場合でも、製品エンジニアリングでのジョイント解析が必要な場合でも、トルクと角度の高精度な測定を可能にします。高角速度分解能ジャイロスコープ、降伏点検出、ダブルブリッジひずみゲージを搭載しており、オペレーターや作業工程に左右されることがないトレーサビリティを実現します。Q-AUDIT は、品質を向上させ、エンジニアリング部での仕様を定義するのに役立ちます。
- Mühendislik için sıkma ve verim stratejileri, SPC modunda kalite kontrol için artık tork.
- Kalite standartlarınıza uyması için VDI-VDE 2645-3 uyarınca kopma ölçüm stratejileri için 5 yöntem
- Operatörün el pozisyonundan bağımsız bir sıkma sonucunu garanti etmek için çift köprülü gerinim ölçer transdüser.
- Gömülü bilgi içeren dahili bellek çipi (üretim tarihi, son ve sonraki kalibrasyon, minimum ve maksimum tork kapasitesi vb...)
- 精度 +/-1%のトルク読取値と 250°/秒の角速度分解能で測定結果の不確実性を低減
Q-Shield - S – デジタル スマートレンチ
8 類似品Whether your process require manual tightening operation, torque checking or quality check operation, with or without full reporting , the Desoutter QShield digital wrench is designed to to error proof your operation. The robust features a long life Li-ion battery, gyroscope, Yield detection and a double bridge strain gauge to provide full traceability, irrespective of the operator or process.
- Delta QC for configuration and results
- 5 methods for breakaway measurement strategies, as per VDI-VDE 2645-3 to fit to your quality standards
- Direct operator feedback with the LED display and vibration capability reducing your cycle time and potential quality costs.
- Menus accesible for versatile usage
- Vibrating handle for immediate feedback
- Smart RFID end-fittings with automatic Torque & Angle ratio management per Pset providing multiple torques for one investment.
- Full integration in an ecosystem mixing manual wrenches and electric tools to reduce your asset management and operating costs.
- Double transducer to provide +/-1% accuracy from 10 to 100% of the torque range reducing your potential quality cost