
Desoutter 4.0

Accelerate your industry transformation

Understanding Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 Applications


Final assembly

The automotive industry signals a growing need for process control to improve the quality of production processes while simultaneously reducing operating expenses. As an innovation driver, the automotive industry is also implementing changes in the fields of automation, data interchange, and production technologies.

Tiers Automotive

Tiers assembly

Industry 4.0 promises automobile component suppliers significant effects. Key factors are reductions in system downtimes, improved productivity through automation and resource optimization, and reduced maintenance expenses. Continuous recording and analysis of process data allows plant and system failures to be predicted, inefficient developments to be corrected, and productivity to be improved.


Smart factories

With a production characterized by relatively small volumes, long cycle times, large components and high variability in the production processes, this industry offers specific challenges when it comes to the dissemination of smart tools and solutions. All major OEMs need to increase the overall process efficiency, limit quality costs and cycle times, and exclude human factors as a source of error.

General Industry

Smart energy storage

By completely digitalizing the product development life cycle, we can achieve smart energy storage. This in turn allows us to provide customers accurate traceability, quality control, and new, cost effective products. The vast range of products are embedded with systems, sensors, and actuators that are all linked to one another via the internet.

History of Industrial Revolutions

18th Century

1st Industrial Revolution

Global transition toward efficient and stable manufacturing processes

19th Century

2nd Industrial Revolution

Mechanization, steam and water power

20th Century

3rd Industrial Revolution

Mass production, assembly lines, electrical power

21st Century

4th Industrial Revolution

Smart factories, autonomous systems, IoT, machine learning, digitalization and connection of all actors in the value process.

Helping you to accelerate your Industry 4.0 transformation

We are committed to helping bring your assembly solutions into the Industry 4.0 era

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Smart Aerospace Factories

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Automotive and IOT

How to

accelerate Industry 4.0 transformation on assembly line